Unlock the Market's Best-Kept Secrets with Legal Insider Trading
Gain exclusive access to A loophole that's been quietly generating millions for A savvy few
Dear Stock Trader,

If you want find top performing stocks... 

Create a robust portfolio that generates cash flow year in and year out... 

...and avoid spending hours studying stocks trying to find the right one.

Then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!

Here's why...
Steven Place
Editor, The Insider Report
What I am going to share with you today you wont hear any where else.

In fact, the "powers that be" want so badly to keep you from learning about this secret "LOOPHOLE" they have spent billions creating a veil of lies to cover it up, complete with media coverage and talking heads to convince you it's Illegal.
What they don't want you to know...
What they don't want you to know...
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word insider trading is probably Martha Stewart and her time spent in jail. 

That's exactly what they want you to think about. 

What they don't want you to know is that certain types of Insider Trading are completely legal thanks to a loophole found in SEC rule 10b5-1 and that insiders have been quietly making millions for years.

The good news is you can access these Insiders trades and piggy back their entries for gains like 

687% on Heska Corp
710 % on weight Watchers
1036% on Resolute Energy 
...and 1249% on CRH Medical! 
But don't take my word for it. 

Take a look at what Stephen Hand had to say. He wrote in just a few weeks after getting involved with following Insiders.  
And the academic research confirms it.  I promise you this is the easiest and most profitable way to trade stocks!

Take a look at what a study that came out of the Harvard Business school had to say about insider trading... 

"...when a top insider buys his or her company's stock, it rises by an average of 31% in the next six months."
- A Harvard Business School Study -
Here's how and why I can make you this promise...
My name is Steven Place and I am the Editor and Chief of the Insider Report.

15 years ago I was an engineer working in the propulsion field. Yes, I was a rocket scientist. 

But I left that life to trade the markets full time and it terns out my engineering degree crossed over quite well.

Since then I have written a best selling book on trading, consulted with institutional capital on the CBEO, and am frequently asked to provide analysis on CNBC, Fox, Business, and Reuters.
Today, I run an institutional service where I sell my Insider research packaged for over $10,000.00 per trade idea.
"I have worked with thousands of traders teaching them the exact same methods I have used for years to extract millions from the markets. And today I want to share the most profound discovery of my investment career."
The training I have developed will walk you step by step, on a granular level, through the entire process of identifying, filtering, then vetting these companies. 

There are over 1000 insider trades submitted every day. And not every one of these trades is meaningful. 

Maybe they get monthly stock as part of their compensation package. 

Maybe they are adding to a 401k plan monthly that puts that money into their stock. 

Maybe they are exercising an option that is getting ready to expire. 

There are several reasons why a CEO or high up executive would buy stock. The key is to be able to know when they are buying because they know something. 

We have developed a 6-step process that will walk you through taking the 1000s of daily insider traders and finding the 10-12 companies per month that you can be confident will significantly rise over the coming weeks and months.

MEET Erland Kailbourne
Erland Kailbourne PHD
Director, Five Star Bank

Erland is a director at Five Star Bank.
And for most of his career, he only owned a few thousand shares of the company's stock...
But then, not long ago, he went "all in" with his own money...

Picking up a massive 15,000 shares in just one week.

The circles you see in the lower right corner of the chart below represent his trades and when they where reported.
He made three 5,000 share buys, three days in a row, and those trades are public record. 

Now, I don't know about you but I don't make a habit of buying stock when it is in an all out nose dive. But...
11 weeks later, the stock was up 230%.
Now, let me ask you a question.

What do you know about the financial health of Five Star Bank?

Probably not much right?

Well don't feel bad.

Analysts try to make educated guesses, but they don't "know" anything either.

But guess who does?

Our boy Erland who sits on the board of directors, he probably plays golf with the CFO. The insider.

He knew his bank was fundamentally sound.

And soon after he bought the stock, his company announced a huge quarterly profit, much better than The Street was expecting...

And the stock shot up.

He got in cheap... and more than tripled his investment in just 11 weeks.  He timed his trade perfectly... turning a $69,200 investment into $228,750... A $159,000 profit and you could have profited right along side him.   

How would you like to triple your money in a couple of weeks?

Would you be ok with profits like that? 

Even if you only invested $3000 in the stock. That would have turned into over $9,000.
David Sveen knows his company to the tune 687%
David Sveen
Director, Heska Corp

first time buyer
This is David Sveen a director at Heska Corp. 

David purchased 21,428 shares of his own stock. 

He had never bought a single share prior to this.
Below you can see the corporate filing David submitted to the secret data base. Its called a form 4 and by law all insiders must file one within 48 hours of their stock purchase. 

Column 4 shows the number of shares he purchased and column 5 shows the number of shares he owned after his purchase. 

Notice they are the same...
This means he was a first time buyer.

Perhaps David Knows something... I mean, why purchase stock now after all this time? 

What has changed about the company that would cause David to put so much of his own capital at risk?

It turns out he did know something.

And you could have made almost 7 times your money by simply following this insider.

That same $3,000 investment we talked about in our earlier example would have grown to over $21,000.
There are a lot of complicated strategies out there and to me this just makes sense.

Every minute you wait allows another opportunity to pass by. 

When these insiders buy with conviction it almost always means they know something. 

Perhaps a new merger is on the horizon or FDA Approval on some new medical device or drug. 

We don't know when the market will move up only that it likely will. So you don't want to delay. 

You might not get another chance to get in.

Southwest Airlines Top Executives Buy within Twenty Cents of the Low
In August of 2016 several of the top brass at Southwest Airlines bought large chunks of stock. 

In a 36- hour period, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, The CEO, and one of the board of directors all made six-figure buys. 

In fact one of them is a 7 figure buy! 
Michael G Van
EVP, COO, Southwest Airlines
Gary C Kelly
CEO, Southwest Airlines
William Cunningham
Director, Southwest Airlines
Talk about conviction! Let me ask you a question. 

Do you think maybe these guys knew something? 

It sure looks that way...

They bought within 20 cents of the low and the stock nearly doubled in under 12 months. 
According to a study from the Wharton School of Business...
"Investors Can Reap ‘Exceptional' Profits By Imitating Insiders"
- Wharton School Of Business -
Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
  •  You'll learn how to access the SECRET government data base that is full of perfectly legal insider tips enabling you to ride on the coat tails of the most informed traders in the world.
  •  You'll understand the difference between an insider buy that means nothing such as an option exercise or an investment made as part of a weekly, monthly, or quarterly buy vs a buy that shows conviction.
  •  You'll learn about a special software that you can enter all your criteria i.e. only insider buys that are over a $200k, or only Cluster buys. Cluster buys are when multiple Insiders within a company all buy in at the same time with a significant amount. You will also be able to search for only first time buyers or Insiders with perfect track record. This will enable you to quickly take the 1000+ Insider traders per day and filter them down to the top 2-5 trade opportunities. This all takes just a couple of minutes a couple times a week. 
  •  You will discover 3 easy filters that will make it extremely easy to know for sure what stocks are worth buying. The key here is to keep it simple. There is no need to spend hours studying charts or financial statements. 
  •  You will drastically decrease the number of losses you take by only entering trades that the most informed people in the world approve of. And because of an SEC rule found in Section 16b you don't have to worry about pump and dump trading. This rule prohibits "short swing" transaction (i.e., a sale and purchase of a company stock within a 6-month period). The insider is required to surrender to the company all profits if such a "matching" transaction occurs. 
Here is an example of what its like when you find a perfect track record insider.  
learn to find perfect track record insiders
Lisa O'neill
CEO, Lakeland Financial

perfect track record
perfect track record
She bought every low
Lisa is the CEO of a regional bank concentrated in northern Indiana.

She made 7 trades between 2014 and 2016. She bought every low. PERFECTLY.

That's a perfect track record CEO!

Short of selling your soul to the trading gods, I don't know how that's even possible. 
She clearly knows when her stock is cheap and about to go up.

And with the special software I mentioned above, you will easily be able to find Insiders Just like Lisa. 

Eric Changelian wrote in and had the following to say...
Think about how good it will feel when you are able to easily and quickly find stocks that are poised for a breakout. 

And all without hours of study or months of trial and error.

Just think about how easy it will be to build up your portfolio and what this will enable you to do. 

Buy that new house you have been wanting, or how about that new sports car or that amazing vacation you keep putting off because it's so expensive.

So Here's The Bottom Line
For A limited time you can get access to the full Insider Advantage Master Class giving you access to my 5 Module video training program that includes...

Introduction To Insider Trading

We will begin with an overview of following insider trading. In this first module we will lay the foundation for what you will use as a spring board to catapult your trading into the future. By the end of this module you will have a good grasp of the landscape.

Core Buying Signals Revealed

In this module you will learn all of the key criteria we look for when choosing which insiders to follow. We have outlined the specific filters you should use making it super easy to quickly look at a particular Insider transaction and know if its worth following. 

Access The Secret Government Data base

This module really does hold the keys to the castle. In this video we walk you step by step through accessing and navigating the secret data base which holds thousands of perfectly legal Inside stock tips. This is the data base that all Insiders must report their trades to and we will reveal it to you in this module. 

Navigating The Form 4 

The Form 4 is the form that every insider MUST fill out and submit within 48 hours. Understanding how to read and interpret this information will enable you to quickly and easily glance over it and know almost instantly if its a stock worth researching further.  

Case Studies And Implementation 

In this module we will cover application. We will explore several case studies walking you step by step through the process and considerations of each. This will help you to become more familiar with the process by seeing it play out on real stock with real Insider buys. 
But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...
Bonus #1 Specialized Stock Scanner Training $197 Value
The Stock Scanner will enable you to automate the majority of the process. This will enable you to do all the analysis you need to do in less than 5 minutes. Easily find companies that have cluster buys, this is when multiple Insiders are all buying significant amounts of their stocks at the same time. Or, if you want to limit the results to only Insiders who bought more than a certain dollar amount of stock. You can do that to. It makes the entire process super simple.  
Bonus #2 Process Workflow's $1997 value
You'll be receiving all of our worksheets, process flows and the tools we use in house. This will provide you with a clear outline on every step including a physical checklist that you can walk through before pulling the trigger on every trade. This is the exact workflow we put in place for our in house analyst team and it will guarantee that you don't make any costly mistakes and are only taking trades on stocks that have the highest probability of success with the lowest risk.
Bonus #3 Key KPI's $4997 Value
This is a standalone multi-module training program consisting of 5 Crucial numbers that you must measure to determine a smart investment. Once you understand these numbers it will allow you to buy extremely strong stocks at 50 cents on the dollar. The truth is the price of a thing is not always equal to its value and quite frequently the market is completely irrational in the short term and will miss-price a stock for a short time allowing you to purchase a great stock at a massive discount. This walks you step by step through this process. 
Here’s My "You Love It or I Eat Crow" Guarantee
Try out the program for 30 days
Try out the program for 30 days
I know that you’ll love this training so much that if you do not believe that this training is the best training of it’s kind, forward the receipt to us with the title "Time to Eat Crow"... and we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

… and we’ll still part as friends. Is that cool?

So you don’t even have to decide right now. Get access to the training, download the templates, implement the system, build your portfolio, because you have a full 30 days to try it out risk free.
Here’s Everything you get when you order today
  •  The Insider Advantage Master Class ($1997 Value)
  •  Specialized Stock Scanner Training (197 Value)
  •  Process Workflows ($1997 Value)
  •  Crucial KPI's ($4997 Value)
Total Value = $9,188
limited time just 
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